You may get errors due to parallax so place the camera relative to the ball and ruler so as to minimise errors caused by parallax. Drop the ball alongside a wall with a ruler or other tape measure fixed on the wall. In addition, there exist irregularities on finer scales that are due to higher-order dynamical correlations pointing towards a fractal structure of this curve. As for measuring the rebound height, I would suggest you use a camera (make sure the camera is fixed, not hand held). Computer simulations show that the diffusion coefficient of this system is a highly irregular function of the vibration frequency exhibiting pronounced maxima whenever there are resonances between the vibration frequency and the average time of flight of a particle. Drop Plate Height (cm) Average Range (cm) Standard Deviation (cm) 30 39 1.
#Ap physics drop vs rebound height lab free#
The ball when dropped from a standard height, has a total potential energy before being released and this energy transforms into kinetic during the free fall.

This type of testing is based on the principle of conservation of energy within a closed system. Repeat this for the various starting heights shown in the data table, each time recording the height the ball reaches after the first bounce. Measure the maximum height the tennis ball reaches after the first bounce (h) 3. Standard deviation was calculated just like it was explained in the procedures part of this lab report. Resilience or rebound is an inherent property of rubber materials. Drop the tennis ball from rest from the starting height (H) 2. ap-calculus-bc/bc-series-new/bc-10-2/v/bouncing-ball-distance WebMay 13. AP united states history (101) pharmacology (NUR307) Nursing Capstone. 25 frames Reader view By: Varun Patel, Ann Marie Riccio, Austin Howard, Julia Nguyen and Lakshya Ramani The Relationship Between Ball Drop Height and Bounce Height Graph Graph Drop Height (Blks) vs. You decide to conduct an experiment on how drop height and bounce are related. Here we choose circular scatterers that are very shallow, hence this billiard is a deterministic diffusive version of the well-known bouncing ball problem on a flat vibrating plate. height lab report physics 141 abstract: this lab. We call a system bouncing ball billiard if it consists of a particle that is subject to a constant vertical force and bounces inelastically on a one-dimensional vibrating periodically corrugated floor.